About us

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The founder of the Homoeopathic system of medicine, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), grew up in Meissen in Germany. Dr. Hahnemann studied medicine extensively, gained his MBBS degree and further received his MD on the 10th of August, 1779, from the University of Erlangen.
But as he went on to practice the system of orthodox medicine, he soon became dissatisfied with the services and facilities that medicine could offer at the time, and was opposed to bloodletting and leaching methods. With continued dissatisfaction he concluded that the knowledge he gained while pursuing his MD had the potential to do more harm than good to the patient.
He noticed that the patients who underwent orthodox treatment got healthy for a while but almost all of them came back again and again with a different or aggravated condition of the ailment. Being a man of pure conscience, Dr Hahnemann was unwilling to earn his bread by giving false hopes to his patients in the name of cure. His disenchantment and discontentment with the traditional medicine grew and grew until it reached the peak where he left his medical practice after 15 years of mental and emotional struggle.
He had to do something to provide for his family which is when he started translating medical books into different foreign languages. Regardless of how he felt about the treatment style of the time, he always had the heart of a doctor and the mind of a scientist. One fine day, while translating Cullen’s Materia Medica, he read that the bark of Cinchona can produce symptoms of Malaria. His conscience urged him to test the theory. He thus started taking regular doses of cinchona or ‘the bark’ (i.e. quinine). This, he proved, produced all the symptoms of intermittent fever (malaria) but to a mild degree and without the characteristic rigors of that disease. This Eureka moment led Hahnemann to an idea which was published in 1796 as Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Power of Drugs, which was followed in 1810 by his famous work The Organon of the Healing Art.
Hahnemann believed and proved that if a patient had an illness, it could be cured by giving a medicine which, if given to a healthy person, would produce similar symptoms of that same illness but to a slighter degree. Thus, if a patient was suffering from severe vomiting, he was given a medicine which in a healthy person would induce mild vomiting. By a process he called ‘proving’, Hahnemann claimed to be able to compile a selection of appropriate remedies. This led to his famous aphorism, ‘like cures like’, which is often called the ‘principle of similars’; and as an example he cited Jenner's use of cowpox vaccination to prevent smallpox.

Homoeopathy works because a small amount of the disease-causing substance stimulates your body to heal itself. It works best when after analyzing the outward reflections of the internal essence of the disease— mental, spiritual and physical, i.e., the totality of symptoms, the remedy is selected, suiting best to the individuality of the patient.

This basic idea isn’t foreign to modern medical science, in fact, it is similar to the science behind vaccination—they expose you to a small amount of a dead or inactivated germ, and that teaches your immune system how to recognize and destroy it, protecting you from the disease..

Dr Hahnemann believed that drugs should be given in a dose which only just produced the slightest symptoms of the disease which was being treated. To achieve this aim, Hahnemann diluted his medical preparations to such an astonishing extent that if one assumes that that the substance he employed was completely soluble, by only the fourth dilution the ratio of the medicine to the solution would be 1:100 000 000. Hahnemann insisted that homeopathic medicines retained their therapeutic power provided you shook the preparation violently during the process of dilution— a process Hahnemann named as ‘potentization’ by which every homeopathic medicine not only retained or even increased its therapeutic power, but persisted as a ‘dematerialized spiritual force’..

This belief was proved scientifically right by a team of Indian researchers at IIT Bombay in a research conducted by the team of professor Dr Jayesh Bellare. IIT scientists have said that homeopathic medicines work on the principle of nanotechnology..

Homeopathic pills containing metals such as gold, copper and iron retain their potency even when diluted to a nanometre or one-billionth of a metre, states the research..

IIT-Bombay’s chemical engineering department bought homeopathic pills from the neighbourhood shops, prepared highly diluted solutions and checked these under powerful electron microscopes to find nanoparticles of the original metal..

“Certain highly diluted homeopathic remedies made from metals still contain measurable amounts of the starting material, even at extreme dilutions of 1 part in 10 raised to 400 parts (200C),” said Dr Jayesh Bellare, the lead researcher.

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) definition of health clearly states that : “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

But how often do we hear that someone is taking medicines for the rest of their lives for something which is perceived incurable? How often do we hear that continuous medication led to further weakening of the body or damage to the previously healthy tissues? And how often do we hear that the subsidence of one ailment led to the emergence of another more complicated one?

The answer is, quite often.

A little pondering in this direction gives rise to a very important question, “Is cure supposed to be like this?” The founder of Homoeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has beautifully answered this question in his aphorism #2 of the Organon of Medicine which states the mission of a Homoeopath: “The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.”

Aphorism 1 Dr Hahnemann has tried to first make you a better human. Organon is not a book, it is a way of life. Case of leukemia- completely cured. (Take follow up report) Aphorism 1 differentiates a homoeopath from every other pathy. Actually aphorism 1 is the definition of homoeopathy. The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed. Ask yourself, the meaning of these terms and why they have been used. Why mission? Why not Project? The birth of homoeopathy. Every other person calls it pseudoscience. There was a time when we were ashamed of calling ourselves a homoeopath. If at all it were, how did it survive 300 years? Can pseudoscience survive 300 years? Why and how did an MD Allopath dare to stand before his community and declare his Development comes with adulteration. The condition in which homeopathy came, how many people were there who were anti-organon, anti homeopathy? We would have been diffused to dust. Hahnemann- Never gamble with your patient

Medicine is not the only way to cure. In fact, it is just one of the ways to cure. Which is why during the process of case-taking, we at Samvedna go through every minute detail of your life from emotional, parental, relational to habitual, everything that led to the onset of the disease that you first came in with. Then taking the sacred Organon (the Gita of Homeopathy) as the foundation of our prescribing, we select the remedy best suited to you not just according to your pathology but your physical-mental-spiritual constitution as a whole.

At this point, it is important to mention that here at Samvedna Homoeopathy, we cure using the the classical way and the most righteous way of using homeopathy— to treat the person in the disease, not the disease in the person.

After the remedy has been delivered, our next step is to educate the patient about all the causes responsible for the deviation from his/her original state of physical and mental health, including mental thought processes, habits, morals, will, intellect, relationships, sexual behaviour, occupation, etc— thus giving the patient a 360 degree view of the ailment. Further we counsel them to be aware of and put an end of the patterns that can lead to the recurrence of the disease.


Using the power of Homoeopathy to restore humanity to its prime physical, mental and spiritual state thus enabling it to move beyond its debilities and employ this living, healthy instrument called body to serve the higher purpose of its existence.


To provide rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health while educating the individual to be vigilant of the psychological causes (e.g., issues with habits, will, moral, relationships, sexual functions, occupation, etc) that led to the onset of the disease.